General Information
Name is: Sarah
Prefer to be called: Kusho
Birthday: 10.02.87
Other Nicknames: SakPak, Kusher, Kush-Kush, Sarre, Spaz, Kakishka, DF, Rabbit, etc.
Wanna Relate?
anime, Tales of Symphonia, rock/emo music, Jhonen Vasquez, drawing comics, playing piano and drums,
band, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly, teenage angst, learning bass, biking, blading, chatting, watching anime music videos,
writing poems, songs, and stories, sleep...
Blurb on Inspiration
Okay, so whether it be a surprise or not, my inspiration for any of the things I do are based on
sad, sorrowful things. My works and pieces usually tend to be on the depressing side because of it. While I observe
what goes on around me, I see many people who are just neglecting their emotions, sadness especially, covering it up for a
rainy day perhaps. Not enough is shown in human emotion in today's society, and when it is, it's often exaggerated,
almost to the point that it's unreal; this is my stance on why I write depressing stories and draw depressing things, at times,
because the world lacks a sense of pure sadness. It's also very soothing, because it's totally different from being
happy. It's INSPIR-SORROW.
Inspiration for Schizophrenic Squirrels comic
After the creation of the first page of SS comic, I imagined it to be very dark, somewhat like Jhonen
Vasquez's comics (I had been reading a lot of JTHM during that time). But then, I wondered, what am I going to
do for a storyline and a title? It was at this point where it all gelled together. I knew a couple of paranoid
parents and their child and they were the primary inspiration for Siggy, Betsy, and Hank. Almost everyone in the SS
cast is partially based off of someone I know, whether that's taken as a good thing or a bad thing. The things I come
up with for each strip is also based on things that happen, not that I'm saying that pinning an envelope to a shirt actually
happened. I see normal, daily events in my head and I twist them so that it's unusual, but very possible.
However, the upcoming strips will have some real life things in them... *awkward silence* ...yeah. So bring on the funny
stuff, because this comic is taking a different turn from all of my other stuff.